2021: A 40th Year Celebration!
January 8, 2021

https://youtu.be/PP1stEymugcJanuary 9, 2021 marks the 40th anniversary of the founding of The Word for the World. On this day we bring all our thanks to God for what he has achieved. Quoting Scripture slightly out of context, we truly want to proclaim: “The Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes.” (Psalm 118:23)Forty years ago, as I signed the articles of incorporation of a Bible translation agency with one other person, all we had was a dream: God’s Word for every person in the language God gave them, and empowering nationals to translate the Bible for their own people. Over forty years, we have seen God do great things.

  • He has constantly affirmed the vision, providing faithfully through people and organizations that love Him and his Word;
  • Joined skillful and dedicated people to the organization, especially the indigenous people who make up our entire pool of Bible translators;
  • Opened before us new ways of doing things, so that even today The Word for the World is at the forefront of innovations in Bible translation.
  • Inspired the principle of empowering nationals, which has won international acceptance;
  • Provided leadership, so that the recent transition of leadership is progressing smoothly.

Thank you all who have worked, prayed, and given generously of your time and resources toward the cause of eradicating Bible poverty. We look forward eagerly to the day when the vision will be fulfilled: God’s Word for every person in the language God gave them.On that day, as today, we will proclaim: To God alone be the glory!

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