
One of the most exciting aspects of Oral Bible Translation is that the team and community do not have to wait for the entire New Testament, or even a completed book of the Bible to have access to it. Once the audio files have been approved and authenticated by the community leaders and a certified translation consultant, they can be exported from the software and made accessible to share immediately. Oral Bible software using Render makes it possible for anyone with a passion, regardless of literacy level or technical know-how, to learn and participate in the sacred act of Bible translation.

A translator from SE Asia said, “Our people will receive the Oral Bible and the youngest and the oldest will hear the word of God. This [translation] team is very special as they were drug abusers for many years, but they are now used by God.”

There are thousands of oral communities globally who live in unreached places and have never heard of Jesus Christ. Oral Bible Translation provides a much quicker and more effective way to share the gospel with the millions of oral communities who will never be able to read the Bible.

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