Mubita responded to the call for Bible translators.
July 5, 2022

TWFTW Zambia was looking for people throughout the Western Province who knew they had a role to play in bringing the Bible to their people. The Luyana tribe, who live on the border between Zambia and Botswana, showed an interest in starting a Bible translation project.

Mubita responded to the call for Bible translators.

Mubita always had a gift for his Luyana language and thought about becoming a teacher. When TWFTW came through his village, he felt God leading him into Bible translation. He traveled to Lusaka in 2015 for his first training event and committed to completing the Diploma in Bible Translation (DBT). His early successes in the program allowed him to participate in a special partnership between TWFTW and another organization. He used his early training from TWFTW to excel in the partnership, where he helped people from his community work together to draft portions of the Gospel. The project leaders all commented on Mubita's gifting in working with language and with people.

In his last year of DBT training, Mubita took a course on starting literacy programs. He saw a need for access to literacy in his community. He, again, excelled in this course and took it upon himself to start a literacy program in his village. Within months of finishing the course, he had developed primers in Luyana and was meeting weekly with 20-40 children and young adults in his community teaching them to read and write in Luyana.

While many of our translators take on community projects alongside their translation work, they don't necessarily separate these projects as different pursuits. Through his training with TWFTW and his relationship with God, Mubita models Christ’s call to make disciples. Through his time in the translation office, Mubita is helping his people understand that God speaks their language and invites them to His table. By running a literacy program, Mubita engages his people with Scripture while it is being translated - increasing the well-being of his people by meeting the felt need of literacy.

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