We will serve God with His Word in our hand
March 18, 2022

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Today, we join the Khatei in celebration! God united this small community of 2,000 people to produce a beautifully clear and deeply understandable Bible in their own language. Last month, the Khatei released and dedicated their New Testament!

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"Getting this NT Bible is the biggest history in the history of the Khatei community. Things will be become old, the flowers will decay, but the word of God in the Khatei language will remain forever. I am so happy and blessed ... I give all the glory and honour to our Living God for his blessing to my community."

We celebrate this release as a culmination of years of community, partner, and Spirit-inspired work. Over the past eight years, the translation team has pre-published the books of Mark, John, and Acts and helped their local churches engage the community with clear and meaningful Biblical truth. The team has supported and initiated literacy programs in all the Khatei villages. The team dedicated itself to God by giving Him glory and trusting Him in the face of difficult times; and to their community by bringing people together to study the Bible, learn from elders, and dive deep into their cultural heritage. They strived to ensure their translation speaks clearly and directly to the Khatei people.

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"Today my people, my children have the Khatei NT Bible in their hand, this Khatei Bible will never pass away. It will remain forever, the next generation will have access to the word of God in their heart language. I and my family are so blessed, my heart filled with Joy."

This celebration is also a new start for individuals and the community as people who once struggled to understand the Bible are encouraged to seek truth and find new revelations. The community has a new hope--they feel seen and empowered by God in a new way. During the dedication celebration, a community-based supporter and pastor exclaimed, "the NT Bible is a blessing to all the Khatei people, and we will serve God with his Word in our hand." There is something tangible, meaningful, and powerful about having the Bible in your hand--accessible, readied, known.

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"I praise God for God has not forgotten a small tribe like us. It's all because of God's grace we got the Khatei NT bible. Thanks to all the sponsor body and all the people who work hard to make our dream come true. I have gone through the NT Bible from Matthew to Revelation and it's a good translation. The meaning is clear, natural to me. I am glad to hold our own Bible in the church and preach the Good News."

This sense of being somehow more known--of being remembered--reverberates through the conversations and sensations of the event. There is a special kind of joy that emanates from feeling the love of God--a precious blessing echoes in the testimonies of the gathered children of God.

It seems fitting to end with these joyful and wise words from a 76-year-old grandfather, elder, and passionate follower of Christ,

"I am 76 years old. It was my prayer to see with my eyes and hold the Khatei NT Bible while I am still alive. Today my prayer has turn into reality and I am so happy that I have the Khatei NT Bible in my hand. My eyes have become dim but I am reading the Khatei NT Bible today. My heart is filled with Joy. And I said in my heart, 'God you have remembered my people, and you have blessed us with your word in our hand.' God bless you all. Amen."

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